Buying a laptop is as complicated as ever in 2023

4 min readSep 16, 2023

I had a ton on PCs at home until I left my job and all of them vanished suddenly. So, when my aging Dell Precision 5510 died in the middle of a file copy operation recently, I had no choice but to research my current options.

#1 Dell has increased the price of the Precision laptops tremendously. Also, I am a bit tired about the weight of the 5510 which is similar to the XPS. I wanted a change.

#2 Apple is a great option but without upgradeable memory or SSD, and requiring at-least 32GB RAM and 512GB SSD, options are pricey. Also, I like the Microsoft Office experience better on the PC than a Mac. Additionally, not being able to install the programs I need for development like SQL Server, Visual Studio (Mac version now deprecated), etc is a deal breaker considering I may have to debug/ fix/ demo this stuff.

I definitely spend a lot of time on screens, so anything to improve that experience would be nice. I already had a 4K screen on my dead laptop, so that would be the starting point.

I figured this time around I should go for a 4K OLED screen, because I use everything in dark mode anyway and the deep blacks would be good to have to reduce eye strain.

That immediately reduced my options:




“If you see something that’s not right, not fair, not just, do something about it. Say something. Do something.” — Rep. John Lewis