Member-only story

I see all the complexity of implementations around me which tend to fail and companies tend to think that if we only we could hire someone who knew more about this, and could add even more complexity then we could succeed…
- SQL tuning
- Database Tuning
- Design Patterns
- Complex Algorithms
- Strange Data Structures with arcane use cases
Are these the symptoms of old, some day to be obsolete technology, rather than state of the art?
Doesn’t better technology, always make things easier to do, rather than make things more complicated?
Maybe we were doing it wrong to begin with. And we layered complexity because we are in a flawed path, and complexity seems to be able to solve problems initially.
It’s like how they built the pyramids — I’m sure they had all sort of state of the art complex techniques used when they built them.
However, when construction techniques changed, we are able to build even more impressive feats like the Burj Khalifa, because we went back and changed the foundation, and we figured out something much easier, with less labor, cheaper and…