Why Microsoft is a failing company

2 min readSep 21, 2018

I read this article posted online, which is like the poster child of what a company should never do.

Here are some golden quotes, which explain why the quality of Microsoft products have gone down the drain in the past few years. Eventually, we will all abandon your products, and your company will be fired by your customers. How you have fallen as a company!

Statement 1:

we did let things get a little messy over there while we were building ASP.NET Core. If you look at the issue tracker you’ll see we have (at the time of publishing) over 500 open issues.

Let us pause a moment for those poor souls (customers) who paid MS to get a shitty product and wasted their time entering bugs, which have now been ignored — just like they have studiously ignored all the thousands of bugs reported for their flagship product: Visual Studio.

Statements 2 & 3:

We didn’t do a great job keeping on top of the backlog.. we’re going to have to declare a kind of “Issue Bankruptcy




“If you see something that’s not right, not fair, not just, do something about it. Say something. Do something.” — Rep. John Lewis